New Christian Rock…”Your Love Is Forever”


Unlike things in this world which come and go, the Lord God is forever. He is the God “is the same, yesterday, today, and forever” (Hebrews 13:8).

Sometimes, we may have a hard time grasping that thought. It is revelation from God who has an infinite mind to us who have a finite mind. But one day, if we trust in Him and live for Him, we too will have an infinite mind and understand all Godly things! Isn’t that something worth having?


Audio Bible Verses On Love…


This world always is in need of more Godly love. He is the one true Lord and Creator, all others lead to false hopes. My apologies if that offends some, but there is no room for respecting false doctrine in a world gone so wrong with it!


God’s Words Of Love (Audio)

We need God, period! He knows that, period! That’s why we should study His word everyday and meditate on what He tells us. His promises of love and comfort are binding, for it is impossible for God to lie…(Hebrews 6:18).



Popular Gospel Songs…”While I’m Waiting”


If you’re like me, waiting on something is often difficult. We live in an instant world, built on a foundation of instant gratification. Things must happen or get resolved, and it has to happen NOW! This is especially true when we are in “crisis mode.”

But time is a different concept to the Lord. With Him, a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years is like a day. (2 Peter 3:8). In this context, the Lord is talking about the time it takes for people to come to Him and His grace. He is patient with us, longsuffering, but not wishing for anyone to perish.

We need to learn this virtue of patience and apply it to the things in our lives. God is with us, watching out for us. That never changes. We must hold on to that thought as we hold on during a difficult challenge in life. He has plans which must be fulfilled and if that involves some discomfort or trial with us, we must let it be. God’s will is first, and it all works for our benefit if we truly love Him…


Soft Christian Pop…”Going Through The Motions”


Today, the gardener stopped by my home. He tends to our roses which bloom beautiful, last for a while, then die away. They need to be cut off to make room for the fresh flowers to open…

Sometimes, our faith can act in the same way. At times, it blooms fresh and beautifully. At other times, it withers a bit, and sort of dies down. But one thing is true, as it is with the roses…the main rose bush always remains to give continual nourishment.

In the same way, God stands with us, and never stops feeding us. Our faith-feelings may wax and wane, our blooms may be bright, and then diminish somewhat. But the Lord will always nourish our spirits and bring about the blooms of faith again and again. We must never lose that thought and hope as we walk day by day with Him!


Foremost Genetic Expert Francis Collins Says DNA is “The Language in Which God Created Life”

A very interesting post…

Christ Centered Teaching

Christ's Resurection from Death

Mankind Was Created by Jesus -The Word Made Flesh, and With His Words,

and the Result is That We Have Words at Our Core.

Jesus is God incarnate. 

Yes, He is the Word made flesh that dwelt among us as John’s Gospel tells us in chapter 1 ,”all things were created by Him”.

This ,”Word”, coincides with Genesis in the Bible where God “said, let us create man in our image”.

I’m saying that DNA is literally a detailed account of what God said when He created man.

We have evidence that God exists in ourselves.
In DNA we are witnessing through science the transcending of the natural realm into physical evidence for the miraculous.

Read this excerpt from a book written by the world’s foremost Geneticist Francis Collins –


“As the leader of the international Human Genome Project, which had labored mightily over more than a decade to reveal this…

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